Calibre remove drm barnes noble
Calibre remove drm barnes noble

calibre remove drm barnes noble calibre remove drm barnes noble

But if you have Purchased Books with more than one credit card, separate that other info with a colon like Example 2 "Your Name,1234123412341234:Other Name,2345234523452345". So, you need to enter the name and Credit Card Number separated by a comma like Example 1 "Your Name,1234123412341234" in case you have purchased books with only one credit card. Move your mouse to highlight the plugin ( Ignoble ePuB DeDRM under the "File type plugins" category) and click on the "Customize Plugin" button and a dialog will appear like the Picture Below.Ĭonfiguration of the Plugin "K4MobiDeDRM" But it is the same info you would enter into the ignoblekeygen script using Method 2 to generate keyfiles. The easiest way to configure the plugin is using Method 1 to enter your name ( Barnes & Noble account name) and credit card number (the one used to purchase the books) into the plugin's customization window.

calibre remove drm barnes noble

below are the steps I took to strip the DRM from nook epubs on Windows 10. The easiest way to strip DRM from Kindle books (and Barnes and Noble, Adobe Digital Content, etc) is with the free ebook software Calibre, DRM removal plugins, and a copy of the Kindle desktop. How to Configure B&N (ePuB) DRM Removal Plugin to work? To remove DRM from Nook book we need Calibre and DeDRM plugin from Apprentice Alf and most important is to get the key of nook books. We strongly recommend ActiveState's Active Python 2.7 Community Edition for Windows (x86) 32-bit. 4 Calybrid 01-10-2010, 12:03 AM Not understanding what DRM is, i'm just following the instructions Calibre gives me, or trying to. In order to run Plugins without Calibre, you will need to install Python for Windows (Mac already comes with Python, but apparently has older versions). Then see Barnes & Noble DRM for EPUB circumvented.

Calibre remove drm barnes noble